Foodie Skateboarder

Skateboarders aren’t often associated with healthy lifestyles and good nutrition. In fact for the most part skateboarding exists within a world of anti-social behaviour and alternative culture. Most skateboarders (myself included) find that skateboarding allows you to express yourself and seperate from the mainstream. We like this culture.

In more recent years we’re beginning to see a shift in lifestyles behaviours. Skateboarding’s debut into the world of olympic sport combined with the growing global awareness for healthier living, has increased the importance of nutrition, health and performance. There is an increase in Skateboarders taking a more disciplined approach to preparing their bodies for competition. Skateboarders are beginning to respect themselves as the elite athletes they are.

My hope is for skateboarders who discover @foodieskateboarder to learn about food and nutrition. Through exposure to a more diverse range of food groups and nutritional education. They learn to fuel their bodies with the right foods to perform better and longer.

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